Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

cernobyl disaster

26 april 1986
Reactor number 4 of cernobyl nuclear power station exploded
One hundred times more radiation was released than by the atom bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The explosion claimed 30 lives immediately but that was only the beginning.
The first responders and the conscripts who extinguished the fires had little protection, some little more than dustmasks. Those working on the roof on the reactor where rotating on 15 minutes shifts to minimize exposure, but it wasn’t enough.
Some of them registered 800 times the prescribed maximum dose of radiation for a lifetime
Yet these brave men never set a single foot back although they were well aware of the consequences.
Despite their brave efforts contamination spread.
20 years after  the disaster, the true health costs of chernobil’s radiation bomb are still unknown.
Up to 2000 children later developed thyroid cancer as a result of radiation and as  little as 13000 have already lost their lives.

IP Kamojang

Kenang-kenangan di IP kamojang
1. Kenal pak tedy (humas)
2. Ke tempat pak Ali zabiet (kepegawaian)
3. Ke control room. Di sana yang lagi tugas itu regu A. ketua regunya pak Agus, ada lagi pak tatang, pak panji, pak atang

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

MOTHER, how are YOU today ?

Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter
With me everything is OK
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, don't worry I'm fine
Promise to see you this summer
This time there'll be no delay
Mother, how are you today?
I found the man of my dreams
Next time you will get to know him
Many things happened while I was away
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter
With me everything is OK
Mother, how are you today?
Many things happened while I was away
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, how are you today?